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How to Keep Your Carpet Clean

In the average home there are over two million dust mites feeding on dead skin scales while hiding in your carpet, upholstery, drapes, mattress and pillows.  They are about l/3 of a millimeter in length, therefor they are impossible to see with the naked eye. Your home gets forty pounds of dust dumped on it in one year. That dust contains 2.5 billion germs, hundreds of millions of dust mites and ten pounds of dust mite feces, not to mention the carcinogens, soot, oil, grease, fungus, mildew.


Common Questions

How long does it take to dry?

6 to 8 hours, if that is to long we can use an industrial carpet dryer to speed it up.

Do you vacuum first?

Our machine has a very powerful vacuum built in, but we are happy to prevacuume, upon request.

Do you do anything for the furniture?

Some furniture may damage a wet carpet, so we protect it with plastic tabs or styrofoam blocks whenever necessary. 

Which method do you use?

We use both steam and dry cleaning.

Should I wait as long as possible before getting my carpet cleaned?

No. The abrasive soil in your carpet makes scratches and ridges in the fibers causing the fibers to reflect light differently. This causes a soiled and worn look. The longer you wait between cleaning, the faster your carpet will wear out.

I heard you should never use wet cleaning. Is that true?

This is a great misconception since most carpet cleaning companies advertise that their method is the only "Right" method. The truth is, all cleaning methods have their good points, and you should choose the one that is best for you. You have probably figured out by now that there are two primary carpet cleaning methods, steam and dry. Dry uses a spinning mop head to wipe dirt off the top of carpet. Though there are "no dirt  attracting residues", this method only removes top soiling and is unable to rinse carpet. This method works well for interim cleaning or when quick drying is necessary.

Truck mounted steam cleaning uses a huge vacuum, which allows volumes of hot water to be rinsed through the carpet. Little equipment is brought into the home and is the only method that pulls those contaminants outside your home, the rest just blow them around the house. On the down side, it does take longer than dry cleaning to dry. Some times up to 5 hours and contrary to some beliefs we do not soak the carpet to the pad. However, we also offer industrial blowers to facilitate drying at no extra charge. We offer both methods and together we can choose which method works best for you.

Does cleaning aggravate allergies?

No. The air is filled with dust, air pollution, pollens, and scores of other contaminants. Carpet is a natural filter for these pollutants. But where do they go when that filter is full. You guessed it, back into the air causing allergic reactions. Frequent cleaning reduces these reactions, though some methods help more than others.

They come in... get the job done and I have the best night! Living on a farm with two dogs, and a farmer for a husband and a cowboy for a son... my carpets need the TLC.

-Kim Scacco Morton

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