First time customers: You will love our cleaning so much you will choose to use us again and again. Therefore I am willing to give you 100 sq. ft. of carpet cleaning for free. (Homeowners in the City of Yakima only)
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Healthy Home Carpet Care


Don't Call Any Carpet Cleaning Company Until You Have Listened to this Message
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Cleaning Services in Yakima

You get the most thorough carpet cleaning ever, or it's FREE!

Your carpet is a natural filter. Every day it traps sandy soil, dust, pollens, spores, fungus, tar, soot, car exhaust, tobacco, gravel, grease and many other really disgusting things, not to mention dust mites. But what happens when that filter gets full? Every time you walk on the carpet it stirs those contaminates into the air and your family breathes in all those harmful particles.

All Your Carpet Wants Is A Bath!

With a thorough, professional carpet cleaning you can rest easy knowing that the bulk of this gunk has been removed. Without at least yearly cleaning, your precious carpet will be ground down into the fibers that fill up your vacuum bag in no time. Then you will be left to wonder why this expensive carpet has these wear trails and wore out so quickly. Convinced that you need to clean the carpet? Now comes the hard part; choosing a company. But there are so many companies and methods. The most important thing is to become educated. You have taken the first step by reading this website.  The second step is to listen to my "Consumer Alert" recorded message to learn how to choose the right cleaner for you.


Don't Call Any Carpet Cleaning Company Until You Have Listened to this Message

Learn: Costly misconceptions about carpet cleaning • Steps to choosing the right professional for you • Questions to ask before letting any cleaner into your home

They come in... get the job done and I have the best night! Living on a farm with two dogs, and a farmer for a husband and a cowboy for a son... my carpets need the TLC.

-Kim Scacco Morton

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